Musik - Reviews

(mit Klick auf den jeweiligen Bandnamen gelangt ihr direkt zum entsprechenden Review)


16 - Dream Squasher (Sludge, Hardcore, Doom, 70ies und Stoner Rock)

1914 - Where Fear and Weapons Meet (Black/Death/Doom)

ABANDONED - Still Misanthrope EP (Bay Area Thrash aus dem Hessenländle)

ABBATH - Outstrider (3rd-Wave-Black Metal)

ABORTED - La Grande Mascarade (Death/Grind/Hardcore)

ABORTED - ManiaCult (Brutal Old School Death Metal)

ABORTED - Vault Of Horror (VÖ: 15.03.2024 / Score: 87/100 / zwölfte Schlachtplatte der belgischen Brutal Deather/Grindcoreler)

ABRAMELIN - Never Enough Snuff (Brutal Old School Death Metal)

ABRAMELIN - Sins of the Father (VÖ: 04.10.2024 /Score: 89/100 / vierte Dampfwalze der Brutal Aussie Deather / German & English version)

ACÂRASH - In Chaos Becrowned (Dark blackened Horror Metal) 

AENIMUS - Dreamchtcher (Tech Death/Deathcore Crossover)

AGAINST EVIL - End of the Line (Heavy Metal)

AGATHODAIMON - The Seven (Melodic Dark/Symphonic Black Metal)

AGES - Uncrown (Melodic Black Metal)

AGONY ATLAS - Retrogression Part I: Egomania (Modern Metal)

AKERCOCKE - Renaissance In Extremis (Avantgardistischer Neo-Prog/Rock/Death) 

ALESTORM - No Grave But The Sea (True Scottish Pirate Folk Metal)

ALLEGAEON - Proponent For Sentience (Technical Melodic Extreme Death Metal)

ALL WILL KNOW - Deeper Into Time (Melodic Death/Metal Core Crossover)

AMKEN - Passive Aggression (VÖ: 26.08.2022 / zweites Powerpack der griechischen Thrash Metaller)

AMON AMARTH - Berserker (Melodic Death Metal)

AMON AMARTH - Jomsviking (Melodic Death Metal)

ANAAL NATHRAKH - A New Kind of Horror (Psychopatic Industrial/Black/Death/Grind)

ANAAL NATHRAKH - The Whole Of The Law (Psychopatic Extreme Black Metal)

ANALEPSY - Quiescence (Slam/Brutal Death Metal)

AND THEN SHE CAME - And Then She Came (Modern Rock)

ANDRAS - Reminiszenzen... (Heathen/Black Metal)

ANGELUS APATRIDA - Angelus Apatrida (Thrash Metal)

ANTROPOFAGUS - Origin (VÖ: 28.10.2022 / Score: 87/100 / viertes Brutal Death Brett der italienischen Extrem Metaller)

ANTROPOMORPHIA - Necromantic Love Songs (Oldschool Death Metal)

ANTROPOMORPHIA - Sermon Ov Wrath (Oldschool Death Metal)

ANZILLU - Ex Nihilo (VÖ: 27.01.2023 / Score: 83/100 / energiegeladener First Strike der finnischen Thrasher)

ARBOR IRA - Weltenfresser (Post Apocalyptic Gothic Doom Death Black Metal)

ARCH ENEMY - As The Stages Burn! (Live-CD/Blu-ray/DVD) (Melodic Death Metal)

ARCH ENEMY - Will To Power (Melodic Death Metal)

ARCHSPIRE - Bleed the Future (Modern 'n' Brutal Technical Death Metal)

ARROGANZ - Erzketzer (Black/Doom/Death)

ARSIRIUS - Lvdi Incipiant (Death Metal)

ASENBLUT - Berserker (Melodic Viking Death Metal)

ASHEN - Ritual of Ash (VÖ: 13.01.2023 / Score: 85/100 / Debüt Full-length der australischen HM-2 OSDMler)
ASPHYX - Incoming Death (Oldschool Death Metal)

ASPHYX - Necroceros (Oldschool Death Metal)

ASSIMILATION - The Laws Of Power (Oldschool Death/Thrash)

AT THE GATES - To Drink From The Night Itself (Brutal Melodic Death Metal)

ATOMWINTER - Catacombs (Doomed Old School Death Metal)

AUTARKH - Form in Motion (Future Fusion Extrem Metal)

AVERSIONS CROWN - Xenocide (Technical Melodic Death Core)

AYAHUASCA - Instinct (Progressive Death Metal)

BAEST - Justitia (27.05.2022 / dritte EP der dänischen Old School Deather)

BAEST - Necro Sapiens (Old School SWE-Death)

BAEST - Venenum (Old School SWE-Death)

BALA - Maleza (Punk/Sludge/Stoner/Grunge)

BARISHI - Old Smoke (Sludge/Doom/Progressive/Black Metal Crossover)

BARK - Like Humans Do (Revolting Hardcore)

BASTARD GRAVE - Diorama Of Human Suffering (filthy Old School Swe-Death Metal)

BEGAT THE NEPHILIM - II: The Grand Procession (Symphonic Black/Death Metal)

BEHEMOTH - Opvs Contra Natvram (VÖ: 16.09.2022 / Score: 85/100 / zwölftes Teufelswerk der polnischen Black/Deather)

BELPHEGOR - The Devils (VÖ: 29.07.2022 / zwölftes Meisterwerk der österreichischen blackened Deather)

BELPHEGOR - Totenritual (Diabolical Black/Death Metal)

BERZERKER LEGION - Obliberate The Weak (Melodic Death Metal)

BETRAYAL - Infinite Circles (Melodic Death Metal)

BIFRÖST - Mana Ewah (Pagan/Viking/Black Metal)

BLACK CROWN INITIATE - Violent Portraits Of Doomed Escape (Progressive Death Metal)

BLACKEVIL - The Ceremonial Fire (Blackened Thrash Metal)

BLACK LAVA - Soul Furnace (VÖ: 25.11.2022 / Score: 88/100 / erster Paukenschlag der australischen blackened Death Metaller)

BLACK LAVA - The Savage Winds of Wisdom (VÖ: 12.07.2024 / Score: 86/100 / zweite Sumpfkeule der Aussie Death Machine)

BLIGHTED EYE - Agony's Bespoke (VÖ: 20.09.2024 / Score: 86/100 / Full-length Debüt der US-Melo Black/Deather / German and English version)

BLOODBATH - The Arrow Of Satan Is Drawn (Brutal blackened Death/Thrash'n'Roll)

BLOODCLOT - Up In Arms (Hardcore Punk)

BLOOD COURT - Profane Purgatory (VÖ: 24.10.2022 / Score: 74/100 / Debüt-Schlachtplatte der blackened Deather aus Kassel)

BLOOD OF SEKLUSION - Servants Of Chaos (Oldschool Swe-Death Metal)

BLOOD OF THE WOLF – III: Blood Legend (Death Metal)

BLOODY BROTHERHOOD und KARONTE - Alliance For Death Domination Split-EP (Raw Oldschool Death Metal)

BLOODY BROTHERHOOD - Don't Break The Circle (Raw Oldschool Death Metal)

BODY COUNT - Bloodlust (Hardcore/Thrash/Hip Hop/Rap Cross Over)

BODY COUNT - Carnivore (Thrash Hop/Hardcore/Punk Crossover)

BOHEMYST - Čerň A Smrt (Melodic Black Metal)

BOKOR - Phlebotomy (Brutal Voodoo Death/Grind)

BOKOR - Shrine Of Lies (Brutal Voodoo Death/Grind

BORKNAGAR - True North (Avantgarde/Folk Metal)

BORN A GHOST - Stairway To An Empty Room (VÖ: 02.01.2023 / Score: 93/100 / bockstarke 4-Track-EP der Drone Doom Metaller aus Tacoma, WA)

CABAL - Drag Me Down (Deathcore/Hardcore/Black/Djent)

CALL OF CHARON - Plaguebearer (Deathcore)

CANNABIS CORPSE - Left Hand Pass (Death/Grind)

CANNIBAL CORPSE - Chaos Horrific (VÖ: 22.09.2023 / Score: 88/100 / 16. Schlachtwerk der US-Death Metal Mean Machine)

CANNIBAL CORPSE - Red Before Black (Brutal Technical Death Metal)

CANNIBAL CORPSE - Violence Unimagined (Brutal Technical Death Metal)

CARACH ANGREN - Dance And Laugh Amongst The Rotten (Symphonic Horror Black Metal)

CARACH ANGREN - Franckensteina Strataemontanus (Symphonic Horror Black Metal)

CARCASS - Despicable (Melodic Death Metal)

CARCASS - Torn Arteries (Melodic Death Metal)

CARNAL DECAY - You Owe You Pay (Hardcore/Death/Grindcore/Deathcore Crossover)

CARNATION - Chapel Of Abhorrence (Old School Death Metal)

CARNATION - Where Death Lies (Old School Death Metal)

CARNIFEX - Graveside Confessions (Neo Deathcore)

CARNIFEX - World War X (Neo Deathcore)

CARPE NOCTEM - Vitrun (Controversial Black Metal)

CASKET - Ghouls Of Filth (Oldschool US-Death Metal)

CASKET ROBBERY - Rituals Of Death (VÖ: 11.11.2022 / Score: 90/100 / Zweitschlag der Wisconsin female fronted Death Machine) 

CATTLE DECAPITATION - Death Atlas (Death/Grind/Deathcore)

CATTLE DECAPITATION - Terrasite (VÖ: 12.05.2023 / Score: 92/100 / zehntes Extrem-Eisen der Progressive Alien Death/Grindcore Giganten aus San Diego)

CEMICAN - In Ohtli Teoyohtica In Miquiztli (Aztecian Folk/Extreme Metal)

CEREBRAL ROT - Excretion Of Mortality (Technical 'n' Brutal Death Doom)

CHAOS OVER COSMOS - The Ultimate Multiverse (Progressive Melodeath) 

CHAOS PATH - The Awakening (Old School Thrash/Death/Black)

CHOROBA - Integral (Black/Death Metal)

CLEAR SKY NAILSTORM - The Deep Dark Black (Bay Area/Teutonen  Thrash)

CORROSIVE - Ed (Brutal Technical Old School Death)

CORROSIVE - Killing Room EP (Oldschool Death Metal)

COR SCORPII – Ruin (Symphionic Pagan/Folk Black Metal)

CRADLE OF FILTH - Cryptoriana-The Seductiveness Of Decay (Symphonic’n‘Gothic Art Black Metal)

CREEPING DEATH - Boundless Domain (VÖ: 16.06.2023 / Score: 84/100 / zweites Old School Brett der texanischen Death Metal/Hardcoreler) 

CREEPING DEATH - Specter Of War (Groovy Old School Death Metal)

CREEPING DEATH - The Edge of Existence (Groovy Old School Death Metal)

CREEPING DEATH - Wretched Illusions (Groovy Old School Death Metal)

CRITICAL MESS - Man Made Machine Made Man (Brutal Death Metal)

CROWDOWN - Horizon (American/European Beatdown Hardcore)

CRUMMER - Deathwards (Old School Death Metal)

CRUSHER - Uprising (VÖ: 27.09.2024 / Score: 87/100 / dritter Nackenbrecher der Rheinland-Pfälzer Thrash-Brigade / German & English version)

CRYPTS OF DESPAIR - The Stench Of The Earth (Old School Death Metal)

CRYSTAL LAKE - Helix (Japan Style Post Core)

CULT OF LILITH - Mara (Progressive Death Metal/Deathcore)

CUT UP - Wherever The May Rot (Combat Death/Grind)

CYTOTOXIN - Nuklearth (Brutal Technical Death Metal / Deathcore / Slam Death)

DÆMONESQ - The Beauty Of Letting Go (Black Metal)

DAMNATION DEFACED - Invader From Beyond (Futuristic Old School Death)

DAMNATION DEFACED - The Devourer (Sci-Fi Death Metal)

DANZIG - Black Laden Crown (Heavy Doom Horror Punk)

DARK FORTRESS - Spectres from the Old World (Progressive Melodic Black Metal)

DEAD - A Dirty Mind Is A Joy Forever (Grinding Sleaze Metal)

DEAD ALONE - Serum (Doom/Gothic/Death/Black Crossover)

DEAD MAN’S BOOGIE – Devil Nation (Crossover Rock/Metal)

DEAD WILL WALK - A New Day Of Dawning (VÖ: 27.01.2023 / Score: 87/100 / zweite EP der niederländischen HM-2 OSDMler)

DEATH - Scream Bloody Gore (Old School Death Metal)

DEATHCULT - Cult Of The Goat (Old School Black Metal)

DEBAUCHERY - F..k Humanity (Groove Death Metal)

DEBAUCHERY VS. BALGEROTH - In der Hölle spricht man Deutsch (Heavy/Thrash/Death'n'Roll)

DEBAUCHERY vs. BLOOD GOD - Thunderbeast (Groove Death'n'Roll)

DECAPITATED - Anticult (Brutal Technical Death/Thrash'n'Roll)

DECAPITATED - Cancer Culture (achter Rachenputzer der polnischen Technical Death/Groove Metaller)

DECAYING - Shells Will Fall (Old School Death Metal)

DECAYING - To Cross The Line (Doom/Death/Thrash)

DEFECTED DECAY - Kingdom Of Sin (Old School Death Metal)

DEFECTED DECAY - Troops Of Abomination (Zweitschlag der Zwei-Mann-Armee aus dem Ruhrgebiet)
DEICIDE - Banished by Sin (VÖ: 26.04.2024 / Score: 90/100 / 13. Meisterwerk der US-Death-Dinos)

DEMON INCARNATE - Key of Solomon (Heavy Doom/Stoner/Blues Rock)

DEMORPHED - Creation Of A War Machine (Old School Death Metal)

DERANGED - Deeds Of Ruthless Violence (Brutal Death/Grind)

DER ROTE MILAN - Moritat (atmosphärischer, traditioneller Black Metal)

DER WEG EINER FREIHEIT - Finisterre (Traditional Black Metal)

DESERTED FEAR - Drowned By Humanity (New Wave Of Death Metal)

DESPISED ICON - Purgatory (Deathcore/Hardcore/Death Metal)

DESTRUCTION - Under Attack (Old School Thrash Metal)

DETERMINATION - Symbiosis (Progressive DE-Death Metal)

DETRAKTOR - Full Body Stomp (VÖ: 25.11.2022 / Score: 84/100 / gefräßiges zweites Groove-Monster der Hamburger Thrasher)

DEVANGELIC - Ersetu (Ultra Brutal Death Metal)

DEVANGELIC - Xul (VÖ: 07.04.2023 / Score: 89/100 / viertes Brachialeisen der italienischen Brutal Deather)

DEVILMENT - II-The Mephisto Waltzes (Horror Black Thrash)

DEHUMAN REIGN - Descending upon the Oblivious (Brutal Technical Old School Death)

DIABOLISCHES WERK - Beast (Death/Thrash)

DIE ANTWOORD - Mount Ninji And Da Nice Time Kid (Rap Rave)

DIE APOKALYPTISCHEN REITER - Der rote Reiter (Heavy/Death/Folk/Crossover)

DIMMU BORGIR - Eonian (Symphonic Metal)

DIMMU BORGIR - Forces Of The Northern Night (Symphonic Black Metal)

DIRTYPROTEST - Hellstorm (SWE Old School Death Metal)

DISBELIEF - Killing Karma (VÖ: 26.04.2024 / Score: 90/100 / zwölfte Todeswalze der hessischen Sludge/Deather)

DISBELIEF - The Ground Collapses (Death/Thrash/Sludge Metal)

DISBELIEF - The Symbol Of Death (Progressive Death Metal)

DISMALIMERENCE - Tome: 1 (Melodic Atmospheric Black Metal)

DISTANT - Aeons Of Oblivion (Downtempo Deathcore/SciFi-Slam)

DISTANT - Dawn of Corruption (Downtempo Deathcore/Slam Death)

DISTANT - Heritage (VÖ: 10.02.2023 / Score: 86/100 / drittes Future-Sound-Bollwerk der multinationalen Deathcoreler)

DISTILLATOR - Summoning The Malicious (Speed Metal)

DISTRESSED TO MARROW - La Violencia (Doom Death Metal)

DREADFUL FATE – Vengeance (Brutal Speed/Thrash/Death)

DRUJ - Chants To Irkalla (blackened Doom/Death)

DYING FETUS - Make Them Beg For Death (VÖ: 08.09.2023 / Score: 90/100 / neuntes Extrem-Eisen der Brutal Deather aus Baltimore) 

DYING FETUS - Wrong One To Fuck With (Technical Brutal Death/Grind)

EARTH ROT - Black Tides Of Obscuritym (Neo Death/Black/Sludge Metal)

EDEN WEINT IM GRAB - Na(c)htodreise (Gothic, Dark, Doom, Horror, Black Metal)

EDEN WEINT IM GRAB - Tragikomödien aus dem Mordarchiv (Dark, Gothic, Horror Metal)

EISREGEN - Fegefeuer (Symphonic Dark/Death/Black Metal) 

EISREGEN - Fleischfilm (Gothic/Dark/Black Crossover)

EISREGEN - Leblos (Symphonic Dark/Death/Black Metal)

EISREGEN - Marschmusik (Death/Black Metal)

EISREGEN - Satan liebt dich (Black/Dark/Death’n‘Gothic)

EKPYROSIS - Primordial Chaos Restored (Doom/Death Metal)

EKTOMORF - Aggressor (Thrash/Hardcore/Groove Metal)

EKTOMORF - Fury (Thrash/Hardcore/Groove Metal)

ELIZIUM - Elysium (Gothic Dark Rock)

EMMURE - Look At Yourself (Deathcore/Hardcore/Noisecore)

END - The Sin of Human Frailty (VÖ: 27.10.2023 / Score: 80/100 / zweites Brachialwerk der US-Post-Hardcore-Bratze) 

ENDLESS CURSE - Slave Breeding Industry (Brutal Death Metal)

END OF GREEN - Void Estate (Sad Darkness Rock)

ENDSEEKER - Flesh Hammer Prophecy (Old School Boss HM-2 SWE-Death Death Metal)

ENDSEEKER - Global Worming (VÖ: 27.10.2023 / Score: 84/100 / viertes HM2-Brett der Hamburger Old School Deather) 

ENDSEEKER - Mount Carcass (Buzzsaw Melodeath)

ENDSEEKER - The Harvest (Old School Boss HM-2 SWE-Death Metal)

ENSIFERUM - Two Paths (Pagan/Folk/Viking/Power/Death Metal Crossover)

ENSLAVED - E (Progressive Black Metal)

ENSLAVED - Utgard (Progressive Rock/Black Metal)

ENTERPRISE EARTH - Death: An Anthology (VÖ: 02.02.2024 / Score: 95/100 / fünftes Extremeisen der US-Weirdo-Deathcore-Höllenmaschine)

ENTHEOS - An End to Everything (VÖ: 25.10.2024 / Score: 93/100 / 5-Track EP der Technical Deather aus Santa Cruz, Kalifornien / German & English version)

ENTHEOS - Time Will Take Us All (VÖ: 03.03.2023 / Score: 87/100 / dritter Groundbreaker der US-Progressive Deather)
EPIDEMIC SCORN - Rebirth (Hardcore/Death/Deathcore/Thrash Crossover)

EQUILIBRIUM - Armageddon - (Epic Pagan Death Metal)

EQUILIBRIUM - Renegades (Epic Metal)

EREB ALTOR - Järtecken (Viking/Folk/Pagan/Black Metal)

ERODED - Necropath (Old School Death Metal)

ESCUELA GRIND - Dreams On Algorithms (VÖ: 18.10.2024 / Score: 90/100 / drittes Brutal Death Metal/Grindviolence Crossover aus US und A / German & English version)

EVERGREY - The Storm Within (Dark Progressive Metal)

EVERLASTING CARNAGE - Slaughterhouse-Rock (Death'n'Roll/Gore/Grind)

EVOCATION - The Shadow Archetype (Melodic Death/Thrash)

EVOKED - Ravenous Compulsion (Old School Death Metal)

EWIGHEIM - Schlaflieder (Dark Rock)

EXHUMED - Death Revenge (Death Grind)

EXTREMITY - Coffin Birth (Old School US-Death Metal)

FÄULNIS - Antikult (Black Doom Punk)

FAR BEYOND - A Frozen Flame Of Ice (Epic Dark/Death Metal)

FATALIST - The Bitter End (80s/90s Swe-Death Metal aus Ventura, California)

FEACES CHRIST - Eat Shit And Die (D-Beat Old School Death/Punk)

FEJD - Trolldom (Nordischer Folk Metal)

FÉLETH - Depravity (Death/Hardcore/Deathcore Crossover)

FERADUR - Legion (Melodic blackened Death/Thrash)

FERADUR - Parakosm (Melodic Death Metal)

FESTERDAY - Iihtallan (Old School Buzzsaw Death Metal)

FETAL BLOOD EAGLE - Indoctrinate (Brutal Technical Death Metal)

FIRESPAWN - The Reprobate (Brutal Technical Death Metal)

FIRTAN - Okeanos (Atmospheric/Ambient/Progressive/Pagan Black Metal)

FIT FOR AN AUTOPSY - Oh What The Future Holds (Post-Deathcore)

FLESHBORE - Embers Gathering (Brutal Technical Death Metal)

FLESHCRAWL - Into The Catacombs Of Flesh (Old School Death Metal)

FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE - King (Brutal Technical Orchestral Death Metal)

FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE - Veleno (Brutal Technical Orchestral Death Metal)

FLEURETY - The White Death (Melancholic Neurotic Progressive/Avantgarde Metal)

FORGING THE STORM - Desolation (Metalcore/Hardcore/Deathcore Crossover)

FROZEN SOUL - Crypt Of Ice (Old School Death Metal)

FUBAR - Weltschmerz (Death/Grind/Thrash/Hardcore Crossover)

FULL OF HELL - Weeping Choir (Deathcore/Grindcore/Noise/Extreme Metal)

FUNERAL CULT - Possession Done (blackened Funeral Death)

GAEREA - Coma (VÖ: 25.10.2024 / SScore: 88/100 / viertes Epos der portugiesischen Avantgarde Black Metaller / German & English version) 

GARMARNA - Förbundet (Nordic Folk Rock)

GATECREEPER - Deserted (HM-2 Florida Old School Death Metal) 

GATEWAY - Boundless Torture (Doom/Death Metal)

GEISTERFELS - La névrose de la pierre (Old School Black Metal)

GENOCIDE PACT - Order Of Torment (Old School US-Death Metal)

GHOSTHER - Through Fire (Alternative Rock/Metal)

GHOST IRIS - Comatose (Metalcore/Deathcore/Industrial/Mathcore/Hardcore und Djent Crossover)

GNOSIS - The Offering Of Seven (Occult Black/Doom/Death Metal)

GOATWHORE - Angels Hung From The Arches Of Heaven (VÖ: 07.10.2022 / Score: 85/100 / Album Nummer 8, der Black/Death/Thrash Metaller aus New Orleans) 

GOATWHORE - Vengeful Ascension (Black/Death/Thrash)

GOD DETHRONED - Illuminati (Technical Melodic Death Metal)

GOD DETHRONED - The World Ablaze (Technical Melodic Death Metal)

GODSKILL - I: The Forthcoming (Old School Death Metal)

GOREGAST - Covered In Skin EP (Old School DE-Death Metal)

GRAVEWARDS - Subconcious Lobotomy (Blackened Old School Death/Thrash)

GRAVEWORM - Killing Innocence (VÖ: 28.04.2023 / Score: 87/100 / neuntes Düsterwerk der italienischen Melodic Black/Deather)

GRAVEYHARD - Pathbuilder (Sludge/Doom/Stoner Rock/Metal)

GRUESOME - Dimensions Of Horror (Old School Death Metal)

GUMOMANIACS - Out Of Disorder (Old School Thrash Metal)

GWALTSATAN - (re)birth (Black Metal/Rock/Punk/Heavy/Moritaten Crossover)

GWENDYDD - Censored (Modern Death Metal/Metalcore)

HARLOTT - Extinction (Thrash Metal)

HELLOWEEN - Helloween (Heavy/Power/Speed Metal)

HIGH FIGHTER - Champain (female fronted Progressive/Sludge/Rock/Bluescore/Metal Crossover)

HIGH FIGHTER - Scars & Crosses (female fronted Progressive/Doom/Vintage/Blues/Sludge/Rock Crossover)

HOME REARED MEAT - Redneck Rumble (Death/Grind)

HOME REARED MEAT - Truckstop Terror (VÖ: 29.03.2024 / Score: 84/100 / vierte Schlachtplatte der deutschen Redneck-Death/Grinder)

HORIZON IGNITED - Towards The Dying Lands (zweites Vollwerk der finnischen Melodic Deather)

HYPERIA - Insanitorium (female fronted Melodic Thrash/Death/Power Metal)

HYPNOS - The Whitecrow (Blackened Death Metal)

HYPOCRISY - Worship (Melodic Death Metal)

IGORRR - Savage Sinusoid (Whateverrr-Core)

IGORRR - Spirituality and Distortion (Whateverrr-Core)

ILLDISPOSED - Grey Sky Over Black Town (Brutal Groove Death Metal)

ILLDISPOSED - Reveal Your Soul For The Dead (Brutal Melodic Groove Death Metal)

IMMOLATION - Acts Of God (Old School Death Metal)

IMMOLATION - Atonement (Old School Death Metal)

IMMORTAL - Northern Chaos Gods (Black Metal Blast Attack)

INCANTATION - Sect Of Vile Divinities (Death/Doom)

INCANTATION - Unholy Deification (VÖ: 25.08.2023 / Score: 78/100 / enttäuschendes 13. Album der US-Death/Doom Veteranen)

IN DEMONI - The Grand Slam (Brutal Death/Grind/Gore/Groove/Slam/Porngrind)

INFERNAL EXECRATOR - Obsolete Ordinance (Black/Death/Thrash)

IN FURY - In Fury (Melodic Death Metal)

INGESTED - Ashes Lie Still (VÖ: 04.11.2022 / Score: 87/100 / sechster Deathcore-Überfall der UK-Extrem Metaller)

INQUIRING BLOOD - Morbid Creation (Thrash Death'n'Roll)

IN REVERENCE - The Selected Breed (Brutal Technical Atmospheric Death Metal)

INSANITY ALERT - 666-Pack (Party'n'Drinking Punk/Thrash)

INSIDIOUS DISEASE - After Death (Old School Death Metal)

IN THE ACT OF VIOLENCE - Parasitic Populace (VÖ: 10.03.2023 / Score: 88/100 / zehnter Smasher der kanadischen Brutal Slamming Deathcoreler)

INVOKER - Towards The Pantheon Of The Nameless (Melodic blackened Death Metal)

IO - Fire (Sludge/Stoner/Doom)

IRON BASTARDS - Fast & Dangerous (Dirty Rock'n'Roll)

ISOLE - Anesidora (VÖ: 10.03.2023 / Score: 86/100 / achtes Opus Magnum der schwedischen Doom Metaller)

ISOLE - Dystopia (Epic Melancholic Doom Metal)

ISTAPP - The Insidious Star (Melodic Black Metal)

IZTHMI - The Arrows Of Our Ways (Atmospheric/Progressive Post Black Metal)

JESTER'S TEARS - Perception (Symphonic Prog/Power Metal)

JUDAS PRIEST - Firepower (Old School Heavy Metal)

KALIBOS - HexA (Doom/Sludge Metal)

KAMBRIUM - The Elders' Realm (Symphonic Power Metal/MelodicDeath Metal Crossover)

KANKAR - Dunkle Millennia (Atmospheric Black Metal)

KARDASHEV - Liminal Rite (zweites Opus magnum der US-Deathgaze-Combo)

KARONTE und BLOODY BROTHERHOOD - Alliance For Death Domination Split-EP (Raw Old School Death Metal)

KATAKLYSM - Goliath (VÖ: 11.08.2023 / Score: 88/100 / 15. Roadburner der Melodic Northern Hyperblaster)

KATAKLYSM - Meditations (Melodic Death Metal/Northern Hyperblast)

KATAKLYSM - Unconquered (Melodic Death Metal/Northern Hyperblast)

KATATONIA - The Fall Of Hearts (Progressive Rock)

KEITZER - Where the Light Ends (Death/Grind/Hardcore/Crust)

KEN mode - Loved (Industrial Noise'n'Hardcore Punk)

KETZER - Cloud Collider (Gloomy Black/Thrash/Heavy Crossover)

KHEMMIS - Deceiver (Progressive Doom Metal)

KILLING - Face The Madness (Old School Thrash Metal)

KILLING CAPACITY - Machines Of War EP (Old School Death Metal)

KILLING SPREE - In Conflict (Melodic Death Metal)

KONKHRA - Alpha And The Omega (Groove Death Metal)

KONVENT - Call Down The Sun (Death/Doom)

KONVENT - Puritan Masochism (Death/Doom)

KRATER - Phrenesis (VÖ: 31.05.2024 / Score: 86/100 / fünfte Kratzbürste der deutschen Black Metal Urkraft)

KREATOR - Gods Of Violence (Thrash Metal)

KRISIUN - Forged In Fury (Technical Old School Death Metal)

KRISIUN - Scourge Of The Enthroned (Technical Death'n'Blast Inferno)

KRYLITHSIC - Beast Of The Northern Hemisphere EP (Sick, Brutal Neo Death Core)

KRYLITHSIC - Beast Of The Northern Hemisphere Full-length (Sick, Brutal Neo Death Core)

KUOLEMAN GALLERIA - Armon Loppu (Black Metal)

KUOLEMANLAAKSO - M. Laakso-Vol. 1 The Gothic Tapes (Gothic, Rock, Doom, Death, Black Metal Crossover)

KVAEN - The Formless Fires (VÖ: 21.06.2024 / Score: 94/100 / drittes Extremeisen der schwedischen Black Metal One-Man-Show)

KVAEN - The Great Below (Black/Thrash/Pagan/Viking/Speed Metal)

LACRIMAS PROFUNDERE - Hope Is Here (Rock'n'Sad/Gothic/Dark Rock)

LEAVES' EYES - Fires In The North EP (Symphonic Metal)

LEAVES’ EYES - Sign Of The Dragonhead (Symphonic Metal)

LEGAL HATE - Avoider (Neo Death Thrash)

LEGION OF THE DAMNED - Slaves of the Shadow Realm (blackened Death/Thrash)

LEMURIA - The Hysterical Hunt (Modern Symphonic Folk Black Metal)

LENG TCH'E - Razorgrind (Death Grind Chaoscore)

LETTERS FROM THE COLONY - Vignette (Math Core/Mind Core)

LIFELESS - The Occult Mastery (Old School Swe-Death Metal)

LIFESICK - Love and Other Lies (VÖ: 12.01.2024 / Score: 92/100 / 3-Track-EP der dänischen Brutal Hardcore Combo)

LIFESICK - Loved by None, Hated by All (VÖ: 01.11.2024 / Score: 91/100 / vierte Wuchtbrumme der dänischen Brutal HC Misanthropen / German & English)

LIFESICK - Misanthropy (Brutal Hardcore/Death Metal)

LIGFAERD - Den Ildrøde Konge (fast traditionell Black Metal)

LIK - Carnage (HM2-Old School Swe-Death Metal)

LIK - Misanthropic Breed (HM2-Old School Swe-Death Metal)

LIMINAL SHROUD - All Virtues Ablaze (Zweitwerk der Black Metaller aus Victoria (BC))

LINDEMANN - F & M (Industrial/Metal/Rock/Alternative/NDH)

LIVIDITY - Perverseverance (Porn/Death/Grind)

LOCK UP - The Dregs Of Hades (Death/Grind)

LORD BELIAL - Rapture (neunte Schwarzwurzel der Black Metaller aus Trollhättan)

LORNA SHORE - …And I Return To Nothingness (Deathcore/Death Metal)

LORNA SHORE - Immortal (Neo-Deathcore/Technical Death Metal)

LORNA SHORE - Pain Remains (VÖ: 14.10.2022 / Score: 88/100 / viertes Epos der Symphonic Deathcoreler aus New Jersey)

LUNA13 - God.Dis (Black Bass Metal)

LVCIFYRE - The Broken Seal (Blackened Death Metal)

MAAT - Monuments Will Enslave (Egyptian Technical Death Metal)

MADBALL - For The Cause (Hardcore/Street Punk/Thrash Crossover)

MÄHTHRÄSHER - Killing Fields (Thräsh Mätäl)

MALEVOLENT CREATION - The 13th Beast (Brutal Florida Death Metal)

MALLEVS MALEFICARVM - Homo Homini Lupus (Black Metal)

MAMMOTH GRINDER - Cosmic Crypt (Old School US-Death Metal)

MANIMAL - Armageddon (Heavy/Power Metal)

MANKIND GRIEF - Monarch (Debüt der spanischen Alien Themed Technical Deathcoreler)

MĀRA - Therapy For An Empath (Modern Groove/Death Crossover)

MARDUK - Viktoria (Black Metal Blast)

MARTYRION - Our Dystopia (Melodic Death Metal)

MASCHARAT - Mascharat (Atmospheric Black Metal)

MASSIVE ASSAULT - Mortar (Hardcore Death Thrash)

MAYHEM - Daemon (Black Metal)

MEDICO PESTE - ב :The Black Bile (Schizophrenic Black Metal)

MELANCHOLIC SEASONS - Im Takt der Keule (VÖ: 01.05.2024 / Score: 87/100 / 7-Track-EP der südhessischen Melo Death/Thrasher)

MELANCHOLIC SEASONS - Martyrium (Melodic Thrash/Death)

MELANCHOLIC SEASONS - Melancholia (Melodic Thrash/Death)

MELANCHOLIC SEASONS - Past Seasons Pt. 1 The Early Days (VÖ: VÖ: 31.03.2023 / Score: 87/100 / Pt. 1 der neu eingespielten Werkschau der südhessischen Melodic Death/Thrasher)

MELANCHOLIC SEASONS - The Crypt Of Time (fünfte Wuchtbrumme der Frankfurter Death/Thrasher)

MEMORIAM - For The Fallen (Old School Death Metal)

MEMORIAM - Requiem For Mankind (Old School Death Metal)

MEMORIAM - Rise To Power (VÖ: 03.02.2023 / Score: 90/100 / fünfter Knochenbrecher der UK-Death Metal Warmachine)

MEMORIAM - The Silent Vigil (Old School Death Metal)

MEMORIAM - To the End (Old School Death Metal)

MENTAL CRUELTY - A Hill To Die Upon (Blackened Deathcore)

MENTAL CRUELTY - Zwielicht (VÖ: 23.06.2023 / Score: 86/100 / viertes Vollwerk der blackened Symphonic Deathcore-Recken aus Karlsruhe)

MESHUGGAH - Immutable (Future Tech Death/Djent)

MESHUGGAH - The Violent Sleep Of Reason (Future Tech Death/Djent)

METALLICA - Hardwired...To Self-Destruct (Heavy Metal/Thrash Metal)

MICHAEL DIETRICH - Across Open Seas (Singer-Songwriter Rock/Folk/Blues)

MINAS MORGUL - Kult (Pagan Black Metal)

MINISTRY - AmeriKKKant (Industrial Elektro Samples Rock/Metal)

MIR ZUR FEIER - Mir zur Feier (Melodic Death Metal)

MISANTHROPE MONARCH - Regress To The Saturnine Chapter (Technical Death/Thrash)

MISANTHROPIC RITUALS - A Path Through Absent Places (Atmospheric Black Metal)

MÖRK GRYNING - Hinsides VREDE (Melodic Black Metal)

MONSTER MAGNET - Mindfucker (Psychedelic Stoner Rock)

MORA PROKAZA - By Chance (Extreme Avantgarde Black Metal)

MORBITORY - Into The Morbitory (Old School Death Metal)

MORFIN - Consumed By Evil (Old School Death Metal)

MORIJAH - Black Despair (Progressive/Innovative Death Metal)

MORK - Eremittens Dal (Norwegian Old School Black Metal)

MORS PRINCIPIUM EST - Embers Of A Dying World (Melodic Death Metal)

MORTAL INCARNATION - Lunar Radiant Dawn (Death/Doom Metal)

MORTEM - Ravnsvart (Old School Black Metal)

MUNICIPAL WASTE - Slime And Punishment (Hardcore/Speed/Thrash Crossover)

MUSKET HAWK - Upside Of Sick (Punk, 70ies Rock, Sludge, Doom, Death, Grindcore)

MY DARKEST HATE - Anger Temple (Old School Death Metal)

MY SLEEPING KARMA - Atma (VÖ: 29.07.2022 / sechstes Opus der Psychedelic Instrumental Trip Rocker)

MY SLEEPING KARMA - Mela Ananda-Live (Psychedelic Space Trip Rock)

NACHTSCHATTEN - Leuchtfeuer (Melodic Death Metal) 

NAGLFAR - Cerecloth (Melodic Black Metal)

NASTY - Heartbreak Criminals (VÖ: 08.09.2023 / Score: 90/100 / achter Gewaltexzess der belgischen Beatdown-Hardcoreler)

NASTY - Menace (Beatdown Hardcore)

NECKBREAKKER - Within The Viscera (VÖ: 06.12.2024 / Score: 95/100 / Debüt Brechstange der dänischen Brutal Death Metaller / German & English version)

NECRONOMICON - Unus (Symphonic Black/Death Metal)

NECROTTED - Operation: Mental Castration (Brutal Death Metal/Deathcore)

NEGATOR - Vnitas Pvritas Existentia (Black Metal)

NEKROKRAFT - Will O' Wisp (Black/Thrash/Death Metal)

NEVALRA - Conjure The Storm (Melodic Blackened Death Metal)

NEX CARNIS - Obscure Visions Of Dark (Old School Death Metal)

NIGHT CROWNED - Impius Viam (Melodic Black/Death Metal)

NIGHTMARER - Deformity Adrift (VÖ: 05.05.2023 / Score: 86/100 / zweite Brechstange der Deutsch Amerikanischen Freundschaft)

NO RAZA - Transcending Material Sins (Death Metal)

NOTHGARD - The Sinner' Sake (Melodic Death Metal)

NUG - Alter Ego (Progressive Post Metal)

OBITUARY - Obituary (Old School Florida Death Metal)

OBITUARY - Ten Thousand Ways To Die (Old School Florida Death Metal / Live Album)

OBLIV - Nimmermehr (Atmospheric Black/Death Metal)

OBSCURA - Diluvium (Technical Death Metal)

OBSCURE INFINITY - Dawn Of Winter (Old School Death Metal)

OBSCURE INFINITY - Into The Vortex Of Obscurity (Old School Death Metal)

OBSOLETE INCARNATION - Eradication Of Society EP (Brutal Death Metal/Deathcore)

OCTANIC - The Mask Of Hypocrisy (Melodic Death Metal/Metal Core)

ODDLAND - Vermillion (Progressive Rock/Metal)

ODRAZA - Rzeczom (Progressive Black Metal)

OFF THE CROSS - Enjoy It While It Lasts (Future Fusion Crossover)

OKKULTIST - O.M.E.N. (VÖ: 02.12.2022 / Score: 82/100 / schwächelnder Zweitschlag der portugiesischen Death/Black Okkultisten)

OKKULTIST - Reinventing Evil - (occult blackened Death Metal)

OMEGA INFINITY - Solar Spectre (harsh, atmospheric Black Metal)

OPETH - In Cauda Venenum (Progressive Trip Rock)

OPETH - Sorceress (Unconventional Progressive Rock)

OPHIDIAN I - Desolate (Technical Death Metal)

OPHIS – The Dismal Circle (Doom/Death Metal)

ORANSSI PAZUZU - Mestarin kynsi (Psychedelic Space Black Rock)

ORIGIN - Unparalleled Universe (Brutal Technical Death Shred)

ORTHODOX - Learning To Dissolve (VÖ: 19.08.2022 / drittes Hardcore-Crossover der Nashville Bad Boys)

OUTER HEAVEN - Realms of Eternal Decay (Old School Death/Doom/Hardcore)

PAIN - Coming Home (Industrial/Electronic/Alternative/Dark Rock/Crossover)

PAINFUL - Imagines Pestis (Death/Black Metal)

PALLBEARER - Forgotten Days (Progressive Doom Metal/70ies Rock)

PANZERFAUST - The Suns of Perdition I: War, Horrid War (Post Black Metal)

PANZERFAUST - The Suns of Perdition II: Render Unto Eden (Post Black Metal)

PANZERFAUST - The Suns of Perdition Chapter III - The Astral Drain (VÖ: 22.07.2022 / dritter Teil einer Tetralogie der kanadischen Ambient Black Metaller)

PANZERFAUST - The Suns of Perdition Chapter IV - To Shadow Zion (VÖ: 22.11.2024 / Score: 95/100 / letzter Teil der Tetralogie der kanadischen Black/Doom/Sludge Kellerasseln / German & English version)

PANZER SQUAD - Ruins (Filthy 80ies Thrash)

PARADISE LOST- Medusa (Doom/Death Metal)

PARASITARIO - Afterlife Truth (Old School Death Metal)

PEST EMPIRE - Prophet EP (Black/Doom Metal)

PEST HOLE - Wizards (Thrashin' Waste Metal)

PESTILENCE - Exitivm (Progressive Death Metal)

PHILIP H. ANSELMO & THE ILLEGALS - Choosing Mental Illness As A Virtue (Asylum Housecore)

POSSESSED - Revelations Of Oblivion (Old School Death/Thrash)

PRIMITIVE MAN - Immersion (Sludge/Doom/Death/Noise)

PROGENY OF SUN - Throne of Desolation (VÖ: 08.12.2023 / Score: 90/100 / Erstschlag der finnischen Black/Deather)

PROJEKT MENSCH - Herzblut (Neue Deutsche Härte)

PSYCHAOTIC - Psychaotic (Brutal Tech Death Crossover)

PYREXIA - Gravitas Maximus (Brutal Death Metal/Slam/Deathcore/Hardcore)

RADIATION ROMEOS - Radiation Romeos (L.A. Rock)

RAGE BEHIND - Eminence Or Disgrace (VÖ: 08.12.2023 / Score: 88/100 / erstes Vollwerk der französischen Hardcore/Punk/Groove-Metaller)

RAPTURE - Malevolent Demise Incarnation (Old School Death/Thrash)

RECKLESS MANSLAUGHTER - Caverns of Perdition (Old School Death Metal)

REFUSAL -We Rot Within (Death/Grind/Thrash/Hardcore)

REGARDE LES HOMMES TOMBER - Ascension (Progressive Post Black Metal)

REPTILIUM - Adrenocromacy (Brutal Death Metal/Slam Death/Deathcore)

REPTILIUM - Conspiranoic (Slam Death/Deathcore)

REQUIEM - Collapse Into Chaos (Old School Death Metal)

REQUIEM - Global Resistance Rising (Fucked Up Old School Death)

RESURGENCY - No Worlds...Nor Gods Beyond

REVEL IN FLESH - Relics Of The Deathkult (Old School DE-Death)

REVOLTING - Monolith Of Madness (Old School Swe-Death)

RICHTHAMMER - Ascheland (Death/Black/Thrash/Doom/Punk)

RINGS OF SATURN - Gidim (Alien Death Core)

RINGS OF SATURN - Ultu Ulla (Alien Death Core)

RINGWORM - Death Becomes My Voice (Hardcore/Thrash/Punk)

RINGWORM - Seeing Through Fire (VÖ: 18.08.2023 / Score: 86/100 / neunte Brechstange der Extrem Metaller aus Cleveland) 

RISE OF KRONOS - Council Of Prediction (Death/Thrash)

RISE OF THE NORTHSTAR - Showdown (VÖ: 07.04.2023 / Score: 88/100 / drittes Hardcorebrett der französischen Japan-Fans)

RISE OF THE NORTHSTAR - The Legacy Of Shi (French Yakuza Hardcore Crossover)

RIVERS OF NIHIL - Monarchy (EUR Tour ed. incl. bonus tracks)

RIVERS OF NIHIL - The Work (Progressive Post Death Metal)

RIVERS OF NIHIL - Where Owls Know My Name (Modern Technical Death Metal Crossover)

ROB ZOMBIE - The Lunar Injection Kool Aid Eclipse Conspiracy (Weird Industrial Horror)

ROTTEN SOUND - Apocalypse (VÖ: 31.03.2023 / Score: 88/100 / achte Hassbratze der finnischen Grindcoreler)

ROTTEN SOUND - Suffer To Abuse EP (Grindcore/Death/Punk)

RUDE - Remnants... (Old School Death Metal)

RUNNING WILD - Rapid Foray (Old School Heavy Metal)

SABIENDAS - Repulsive Transgression (Old School Death Metal)

SAHG - Memento Mori (Progressive Psychedelic Doom Space Rock)

SARCATOR - Alkahest (VÖ: 04.11.2022 / Score: 86/100 / zweite Brechstange der schwedischen blackened Death/Thrasher)

SCALPTURE - Eisenzeit (Death Metal)

SCALPTURE - Landkrieg (VÖ: 07.03.2025 / Score: 87/100 / viertes Vollwerk des Bielefelder Death Metal Quintetts / German & English version)

SCHLACHTUNG - Mahnmal (Death/Grind/Crust Core)

SECOND TO SUN - Legacy (Symphonic Black Metal)

SECOND TO SUN - Leviathan (Ambient Black Metal)

SECRET SPHERE - The Nature Of Time (Atmospheric Orchestral Heavy Metal)

SEMPITERNAL DUSK - Cenotaph of Defectuous Creation (Death/Doom Metal)

SEPTICFLESH - Modern Primitive (elftes Feuerwerk der griechischen Atmospheric/Symphonic Deather)

SEPULTURA - Machine Messiah (Thrash Death Metal)

SETH - La Morsure du Christ (Ambiet 3rd Wave Black Metal)

SETHNEFER - Monolith (Death/Domm 'n' Roll)

SEYR - 27 Million (VÖ: 07.07.2023 / Score: 92/100 / One-Take-EP der Berliner Progressive/Post Deather)

SHADOW OF INTENT - Elegy (Symphonic Deathcore)

SIGNS OF THE SWARM - Amongst the Low & Empty (VÖ: 28.07.2023 / Score: 82/100 / fünfte Wuchtbrumme der Pennsylvania Deathcore-Machine)

SikTH - The Future In Whose Eyes? (Progressive Metal/Mathcore/Thrashcore/Djent)

SILIUS - Worship to Extinction (Thrash/Groove Metal)

SINISTER - Deformation Of The Holy Realm (Brutal Old School Death Metal)

SINISTER - Syncretism (Brutal Old School Death Metal)

SINISTRAL KING - Serpent Uncoiling (Dark'n'Massive Death Black Metal)

SINSAENUM - Ashes EP (Technical Weirdo Death/Thrash/Black Metal)

SINSAENUM - Echoes Of The Tortured (Technical Weirdo Death/Thrash/Black Metal)

SINSAENUM - Repulsion For Humanity (Technical Weirdo Death/Thrash/Black Metal)

SISTERS OF SUFFOCATION - Humans Are Broken (female fronted Brutal Death Metal)

SIX FEET UNDER - Nightmares of the Decomposed (Death'n'Roll)

SIX FEET UNDER - Torment (Brutal Death'n'Roll)

SKELETAL REMAINS - Fragments of the Ageless (VÖ: 08.03.2024 / Score: 85/100 / fünftes Bollwerk der kalifornischen Brutal Technical Old School Deather)

SKELETAL REMAINS - The Entombent Of Chaos (Old Skull Death)

SKINLESS - Savagery (Brutal US Death Metal)

SLAUGHTERDAY - Abattoir EP (Old School US Death Metal)

SMASH HIT COMBO - L33T (Rapcore, Nu Metal, Djent Crossover)

SODOM - Decision Day (Thrash Metal)

SOMEHOW JO - Scales And Details (VÖ: 16.09.2022 / drittes Langeisen der finnischen Prog Metaller)
SOURVEIN - Aquatic Occult (Sludge/Doom/Crust/Blues Metal)

SPIELBANN - Die Ballade von der 'Blutigen Rose' (Düster/Gothic Rock)

STRIGOI - Viscera (VÖ: 30.09.2022 / Zweitschlag der britischen blackened Doom/Death/Cruster / Score: 91/100)

SUBLATION - The Path to Bedlam (VÖ: 13.09.2022 / First Strike der Brutal Tech Deather aus Philadelphia / Score: 84/100)

SUFFERSYSTEM - Disintegration Of The Individual (VÖ: 15.03.2024 / Score: 84/100 / sechstes Extremeisen der Hattinger Todesbrut)

SUFFOCATION - Hymns from the Apocrypha (VÖ: 03.11.2023 / Score:  91/100 / neuntes Brachialwerk der Long Island Knochenbrecher)

SUFFOCATION - ...Of The Dark Light (Technical Death/Grindcore)

SUICIDE SILENCE - Become The Hunter (Post Deathcore)

SUICIDE SILENCE - Remember… You Must Die (VÖ: 10.03.2023 / Score: 78/100 / siebtes Extremeisen der US-Deathcoreler)

SUICIDE SILENCE - Suicide Silence (Post Deathcore/Punk Rock/Thrash/Death Crossover)

SUSPERIA - The Lyricist (melodic & blackened Death/Thrash/Heavy Crossover)

SVART CROWN - Abreaction (Blackened Progressive Noise Death Metal)

SYMMETRIC ORGAN - Amazing Disgrace (Brutal Technical Death/Grind)

TANKARD - One Foot In The Grave (Speed/Thrash Metal)

TASK FORCE BEER - Blastbeat Hangover Commando (Beerinspired Death/Grind)

TASK FORCE BEER - Meaning Of Life (Beerinspired Death/Grind)

TERMINAL NATION - Holocene Extinction (sludgy Death/Hardcore/Punk) 

TESTAMENT - Brotherhood Of The Snake (Bay Area Thrash Metal)

THAKANDAR - Sterbende Erde (Dystopischer Black Metal)

THE ARTICLE - The Black Chapter EP (Melodic Death/Hardcore Metal)

THE CHARM THE FURY - The Sick, Dumb And Happy (Metalcore/Post-Hardcore)

THE CROWN - Cobra Speed Venom (Melodic Speed Death Metal)

THE CROWN - Crown Of Thorns (VÖ: 11.10.2024 / Score: 86/100 / elfte Schwungscheibe der schwedischen Melo Death/Thrasher / German & English version)

THE DEAD SOUL COMMUNION - Dead Soul Communion MMXVII (Progressive Melancholic Industrial Gothic Death Metal Crossover)

THE END - Age Of Apocalypse (Old School Florida Death Metal)

THE LAST TEN SECONDS OF LIFE - Disquisition of an Execution (VÖ: 25.11.2022 / Score: 84 / 4-Track EP der US-SlowMo-Deathcoreler)

THE LAST TEN SECONDS OF LIFE - The Last Ten Seconds of Life (VÖ: 28.01.2022 / Score: 82/100 / Neo-Hardcore/Deathcore)

THE LURKING FEAR - Out Of The Voiceless Grave (Old School Death Metal)

THE MONOLITH DEATHCULT - The Demon Who Makes Trophies Of Men (VÖ: 05.04.2024 / Score: 90/100 / neunter Output der niederländischen Electronic Avantgarde Deather)

THE RUINS OF BEVERAST - Exuvia (Ambient Black Metal)

THE SHIVA HYPOTHESIS - Ouroboros Stirs (Black/blackened Death Metal)

THE SPIRIT - Cosmic Terror (Black/Death Metal)

THE SPIRIT - Of Clarity and Galactic Structures (Black/Death Metal)

THE TEX AVERY SYNDROME - Origin (Hardcore/Modern Metal)

THE WINERY DOGS - Hot Streak (Old School Hard Rock)

THEOPTIA - Undead Gods (Progressive Death Metal)

THERION - Beloved Antichrist (Symphonic Classical Rock Opera)

THRONE OF HERESY - Antioch (Old School Death Metal)

thrown - EXCESSIVE GUILT (VÖ: 30.08.2024 / Score: 84/100 / Debüt-Brechstange der schwedischen Hardcore-Crossover-Combo)

thrown - Extended Pain (Brutal Hardcore)

THY ART IS MURDER - Dear Desolation (Deathcore/Death/Djent)

THY ART IS MURDER - Human Target (Brutal Death/Deathcore)

THY LISTLESS HEART - Pilgrims on the Path of no Return (VÖ: 18.11.2022 / Score: 95/100 / überwältigendes Debüt des UK-Doom Soloprojekts)

THYRGRIM - Vermächtnis (Old School Black Metal)

TOMB MOLD – Manor Of Infinite Forms (Old School Death Metal)

TRAIL OF BLOOD - Closer To God (Thrash/Death)

TREYHARSH - Eternal Cycles (Death/Thrash/Groove Metal Crossover)

TSJUDER - Helvegr (VÖ: 23.06.2023 / Score: 86/100 / sechstes Extrem-Eisen der True Norwegian Black Metaller)

TWITCHING TONGUES - Gaining Purpose Through Passionate Hatred (Alternative/Stoner/Hardcore Crossover)

ULCERATE - Shrines Of Paralysis (Epic Death/Doom/Black Metal)


UNDEAD PROPHECIES - Sempiternal Void (Old School Death Metal)

UNDER THE CHURCH - Supernatural Punishment (Old School Black/Death/Thrash)

UNDILUTED - The Witherting Path (Gothic/Doom Metal)

UNE MISÈRE - Sermon (Brutal Hardcore)

UNLEASHED - The Hunt for White Christ (Old School Viking Death Metal)

URBAIN - A Soul Purged (VÖ: 28.07.2023 / Score: 85/100 / Erstschlag der texanischen Symphonic 3rd Wave Schwarzkittel)

URFAUST - Empty Space Meditation (Ambient Doom Black Metal)

USQUAM - Reborn (Black/Death Metal)

VADER - Iron Times EP (Death/Thrash Metal)

VADER - Solitude In Madness (Death/Thrash Metal)

VADER - The Empire (Death/Thrash Metal)

VADER - Thy Messenger (Death/Thrash Metal)

VANHELGD - Deimos Sanktuarium (Doom Death)

VARG - Götterdämmerung (Pagan/Death/Black Metal)

VERBERIS - Vorant Gnosis (Nihilistic Black Doom Death)

VENOM PRISON - Erebos (Modern Death/Hardcore)

VILDHJARTA - måsstaden under vatten (Progressive Death-, Djent-, und Slam)

VINTERSORG - Till Fjälls Del II (Progressive/Folk/Black Metal)

VIRCOLAC - The Cursed Travails Of The Demeter EP (Death/Black Metal)

VITRIOL - To Bathe from the Throat of Cowardice (Brutal US-Death Metal)

VOMIT SPELL - Demo 2019 (Death/Grind)

VORACIOUS SCOURGE - In Death (Brutal Old School Death Metal)

VORTEX - The Future Remains In Oblivion (VÖ: 09.06.2023 / Score: 83/100 / siebte Stahlzentrifuge der kanadischen Extrem Metaller)

W.I.L.D. - Purgatorius (W.I.L.D. Thrash/Death Metal)

WARPATH - Bullets For A Desert Session (Thrash/Hardcore/Doom Metal)

WARPATH - Disharmonic Revelations (Thrash/Doom/Death/Hardcore)

WARPATH - Filthy Bastard Culture (Thrash/Rock/Death'n'Doom)

WEDNESDAY 13 - Condolences (Industrial/Thrash/Horror Punk/Rock'n'Roll Crossover)

WEAK ASIDE - Forward Into Darkness (Old School Death Metal)

WIEGEDOOD - There's Always Blood At The End Of The Road (Black Metal/Extreme Metal)

WHITECHAPEL - The Valley (Deathcore Crossover)

WINTERSUN - The Forest Seasons (Epic Melodic Black/Death Metal)

WITCHERY - In His Infernal Majesty's Service (Blackened Speed/Thrash Metal)

WOTHROSCH - Odium (VÖ: 13.01.2023 / Score: 92/100 / First Strike der Doom/Sludge/Death/Black/Post-Metaller aus Athen)

WOUND - Engrained (Black Metal)

WOUNDED NOT DEAD - The Alchemist (VÖ: 10.05.2023 / Score: 94/100 / zweites Brachialeisen der Space Death Fusion Pioniere)

XENTRIX - Bury The Pain (Thrash Metal)

XTERNITY - From Endless Depravity (Black Death Thrash)

YOTUMA - Otherworldly Incarnate (VÖ: 31.03.2023 / Score: 90/100 / Zweitschlag der Old School Deather aus Madison)

ZANTHROPYA X - Neuer Gott EP (Thrash/Death/Metal Core)


- Wir bitten von der Übersendung nicht angeforderter Rezensionsexemplare in physischer Form abzusehen, da Wir diese in der Regel nicht bearbeiten Können -